Ingen uppdatering

Kommer tyvärr att vara borta hela helgen. Ingen uppdatering, tyvärr. Men det startar sen på måndag, åker idag så Hejdå.

Eclipse Reshoots

Det har ju stått på lite olika bloggar att några scener i Eclipse ska filmas om, och att David Slade inte ska vara regissör, läs nedan så får ni se. :)

Summit – the studio behind the Twilight franchise – has passed along an article from Gossip Cop, which clears up the rumors found in Lainey Gossip’s report. The following are facts:

First, regarding the implication that these reshoots were unexpected, an authorized rep for the studio tells Gossip Cop, “The reshoot was planned for months, like it is with the majority of films.”

Contrary to today’s inaccurate speculation, “creative differences” have not led Summit to consider bringing in another director for the reshoots.

David Slade is 100% directing them, like he did the entire movie, and the studio is “very happy” with his direction of the film, which internally is believed to be the best of the series.

As for the timing, speculation that there will be three rushed days of 18-hour shoots is incorrect. The Summit rep tells Gossip Cop that it’s a two-and-a-half to three-day shoot, and that “very little” actually has to be reshot.

But the biggest misconception concerned the specific scenes alleged to be those in need of a reshoot. The rep confirms to Gossip Cop, “None of the meadow or action scenes are being reshot.”

Asked to comment on today’s alarmist rumors, the authorized rep for the studio tells Gossip Cop, “Reports much like the one earlier today are ploys to drive traffic without any merit and without any support from the studio on what is actually going on or true.”

Nikki Reed talks about fun times on the Eclipse set

Nikki Reed (Rosalie Cullen)

Kristen goes "recyclare"

Vi verkar ha en liten "recyclare" i Twilight-Gänget. Älskar folk som är miljö-medvetna, för vad ska annars hända med världen?

En kommentar av Kristen:
"I try to recycle everything that I use. I wish I could think of a really great idea to make everyone fix the environment, but... You drive a good car and you try not to take long showers."


Booboo Stewart Punched

Alltså gud har nästan inte laggt märke till hur j**la söt han är! Alltså kolla bara,

When we heard that Eclipse cutie Booboo Stewart was punched at a recent mall appearance in Vancouver, Canada, we were shocked! We’ve known Booboo for a while and we can’t think of why anyone would want to hurt him. Turns out it was all because of a dare and peer pressure. We reached out to Booboo to make sure he was all right and to ask him for the deets on what really went down that day. “All I can say is that at the appearance, someone decided on a dare to hit me,” he spilled only to us. “But I wasn’t hurt. He was held until the police came. I went back to greet the fans, but it’s just lame how peer pressure resulted in such a bad decision on his part. I’m fine.” We are SO relieved to hear that you’re doing fine, Booboo, and we can’t wait to see you light up the big screen when Eclipse hits theaters on June 30th!

Eclipse Bild-Bomb del 3

Här kommer del 3 på min bild-bomb.

Poster uppe i England

Nu har en poster satts upp i England! /9 dagar kvar alla Twi-Fans, Vad har ni för förväntningar?

Eclipse Bild-Bomb del 2

Här kommer del 2 på dessa älskvärda bilder!

Källa: MTV

Alex Meraz- "I got in trouble for trying sneak him into my backpack"

Det här skrev Alex Meraz (Paul) på sin twitter. Och la upp en bild.
han är så snygg, och koalan gör det ju inte precis värre, eller vad säger ni?

Koalas are like holding a sleepy
old man!! I got in trouble for trying
sneak him into my backpack :(

Hans twitter @TheAlexMeraz

Dakota Och Cherie Currie

Nytt foto från RunWays på Dakota och Cherie Currie


Cougar Town- SexDreams About Edward

Kollar på Cougar Town så nämnde Jules (huvudpersonen) att hon har sexdrömmar om Edward från "Twilight"

Spola tills det gått 27 sekunder.

Free Billy Burke Track

4/11/10 - 12pm PST COME TO
@billy_burke TO GET THE

Det här skrev Billy Burke (Charlie Swan) på sin twitter.
Kan inte vänta på att få höra! :)


Eclipse Bild-Bomb del 1

Här är första delen på en Eclipse bild-bomb, njut! det gör iallafall jag, finns inte så mycket annat man kan,!

Robert And Kristen "Have a Special Bond"

ROBERT Pattinson says he has a “special bond” with his Twilight costar Kristen Stewart.

The British hunk — who’s rumored to be dating the 20-year-old actress — refused to discuss his relationship with Kristen during a recent magazine interview.



“Kristen and I have a special bond together,    she is the sweetest, smartest and strongest girl I know,” Pattinson gushed. “If we have a relationship I would rather not say, because my words get twisted around too much and can be ‘old news’ by the time this interview is printed."


Läs resten här

The Short Second Life Of Bree Tanner

Äntligen! Efter nästan två års tystnad kommer Stephenie Meyer ut med en uppföljare i sin omåttligt populära Twilight-saga. Bree Tanners andra liv (The Short Second life of Bree Tanner) släpps i USA en minut över midnatt, amerikansk tid, lördagen den 5 juni – och precis samtidigt på svenska här i Sverige: klockan 06.01.

-Vi är oerhört glada och stolta över att äntligen kunna presentera en ny bok av Stephenie Meyer. Hennes fans har längtat och väntat tålmodigt, säger Henny Holmqvist, Stephenie Meyers svenska förläggare på B. Wahlströms bokförlag.

Bree Tanners andra liv berättar den fascinerande historien om den nyfödda vampyren Bree Tanner, som först dök upp i Ljudet av ditt hjärta. Vi får följa de nyfödda vampyrernas förberedelser och jakt på Bella Swan och familjen Cullen, deras möte – och det oförglömliga slutet.

Läs resten Här

Eclipse Kalender

Här kommer några bilder på Eclipse kalendern, hoppas ni gillar dom, I do! ;)


Runaways Exclusive Still

Den här släppte @runawaysfilm för att fira kristens födelsedag samt den rikstäckande  releasen av The Runaways.

Exclusive Still of the Runaways.. Soon

För en halvtimma sedan skrev @Runawaysfilm det här:

"In celebration of the release of THE RUNAWAYS and Kristen's birthday we will be releasing an EXCLUSIVE STILL! Stay tuned...."

Man undrar ju.. :)

Ashley grattar Kristen

Ashley Greene (Alice Cullen) önskar Kristen Stewart (Bella swan) Grattis på Födelsedagen!


Lykke Li "Possibility"

Offiella-videon. Visst är det bra!?


Grattis till denna underbara tjej, som har förändrat mångas liv. Grattis Kristen på 20-års dagen!

Alex Meraz pratar om eclipse

I klippet (nedan), sade han: "Det kommer bli riktigt spännande.Vargarna kommer vara med mycket mer, mera slagsmål. Det kommer bli riktigt coolt. Vi hade skitkul att filma den. I Eclipse ä min karaktär Paul, han är lite av en bad boy i The Wolfpack och han är ännu argare i denna film. Det kommer bli kul, jag hade en riktigt bra tid att filma den."


The Host Mini-Utdrag

Den 13 april kommer pocketversionen av Stephenie Meyers The Host ( Svenska: Genom Dina Ögon) Den utkommer med ett "Bonus Kapitel"

Klicka här för att få ett mini-utdrag av det.

Dakota Och Kristen i intervju med gURL

gURL har haft en intervju med Dakota Fanning och Kristen Stewart

gURL:Do you feel like this is your first real adult role?

Dakota: Maybe more so for me than [Kristen]. I've never really done this kind of film before; I've never played this kind of character. I think a lot of people still think of me as being young and being little and I think that in this movie I'm seen a little differently. And that's neat because I obviously want to do this for a long time and play different roles.

gURL:How did you get into your characters? And how'd you prepare to sing in these roles?

Dakota: It was something that I've always been self conscious about and so I was really excited to do it because I knew I couldn't have done it any other way. I just would've felt weird about it. But I wanted to make sure I could do the songs justice because obviously they're so iconic and so well known. So I was really excited that I was able to do it and that Cherie supported me in doing that.

Kristen: Luckily I had Joan [Jett] on set every day and there was a lot of stuff on the internet that you can look at -- a lot of photos, not a lot of footage -- so we really did need Joan and Cherie there. It's just about throwing yourself into something that you don't necessarily know that you can do, but [Joan and Cherie] were sort of in the same boat.

gURL:Kristen, Joan Jett has said that you and she are very similar. Do you agree?

Kristen:I think she thinks we're incredibly similar because I just played her! It's so funny. When we see each other now, I'm pointing out the differences. I'm like, "See? I don't normally do that. I don't normally spit." We definitely have an energy -- I feel like I can really understand her and I feel really comfortable with her, so clearly she understands me and thank god!

Vill du läsa hela klicka här

Snacka om lyckligt fan

Ja här kan man snacka om ett lyckligt fan! Tänk om det hade vart jag *lyckotankar*

26th February, Oxford Circus, London.
The day before this I was sitting happily at home in my Robsten BAFTA afterglow, when I recieved a phone call from my darling cousin in London telling me she seen Rob and Kristen at a pub the night before. Maybe I screamed down the phone for a good 5 minutes but who wouldn't. I then came onto Twitter and saw multiple news sources that they were indeed at this pub, CUDDLING, KISSING AND SHARING CIGGIES. *dies quietly* 

Maybe this was my main reason, but I talked my Mum into letting me go see my cousin claiming I 'missed her and the family' and 'hadn't seen them in such a long time' Yeah right I just wanted to breath Robsten air. :) (My cousin also lives in the same area as Rob, Barnes is the place to be ;D She knows his sisters, she's a lucky girl I know!)

So I went off on my jollies from Liverpool to Barnes via plane on the day of the Alice in Wonderland premiere. I wanted to go but arrived too late. :( Sad times, so I just spent the evening being excited within Mr Pattinson's hometown. :) (Because I'm that sad)

I literally, forced my cousin to go on a pubcrawl in the night. I then forced her to go to the pub she saw Robsten at. (The weridness does not stop there) So we go to this pub and I demand my cousin tell me where Kristen sat so I could sit in the exact same place (I told you I was weird). It excited me to no end.

After I got over myself (which was like a million hours later), we continued our pub crawl. We go past this place called the Macbeth and my cousin is like, 'wanna go there?'. It looked really boring and just like a little family pub so I rejected and we continued our pubcrawl.

I then wake up the next morning to find out... ROBSTEN WHERE AT THE MACBETH THAT NIGHT! AND I REJECTED GOING IN THERE. I've never been so devastated in my whole entire life. :( Missing out on Rob is one thing but Kristen too? That's just heartbreaking.
After moping about all morning my cousin dragged me into town (Oxford Circus I'm guessing is the town centre, right?) to go shopping. Now because my cousin ALWAYS and I mean always sees Rob whilst he's at London, I started forcing her to have a picture at the ready in her bag to get signed for me (my weirdness just doesn't end, I'm sorry). You'll understand why this is important later. :)

I like this story, it's long but I feel all interesting. If you're still reading, I LIKE YOU. :D

So yeah, we went shopping and I bought lots of little New Moon goodies, god bless London, we have nothing in Liverpool. Literally nothing. We're losers like that. :) We end up in this little shop next to Selfridges, it sold utter rubbish, but I like rubbish. I spend a lot of money on rubbish. I talk rubbish *continues with story* So I'm looking at some little goodies and my cousin elbows me in the side whispering 'Jeanette turn round, quick, look, look, look now' Me, not having a clue what she's talking about, is too scared to turn around thinking I'm going to get attacked or something. My cousin has to literally pull me to face the other direction. I turn and guess who is standing less than a few meters away from me? ROBERT PATTINSON. :D
Oh and Tom Sturridge too! But Rob was there, infront of me. So TomStu was forgotten. :')
So whilst I was in
let's stare at Rob land my cousin is shouting at me for not listening, she then is like 'go up to him' which I thought was the stupidest idea ever and refused. (I was scared okay!) So she just walked over to him (must be nice knowing him! Pfft!) While I'm left standing there like a fool.

She goes over to him and starts speaking to him like they are best friends. (NOT AT ALL JEALOUS) then asks him if he would sign the picture (the one I mentioned before) for me. She points at me whilst I'm standing there catching flies (because I'm that dozy).

Rob then turns to look at me and says 'Come over here, I don't bite' then looks down at the picture in his hand (of Edward) and laughs that lovely tinkling laugh. *sigh*
I walked over slowly (I'm sorry I'm just a big loser, it's true *smiles*) and stood before him. He asked me if I had a pen to sign the picture and I literally died a little... I didn't have a pen.

I frantically looked around the shop and picked up a pack of Sharpie pens and tore the pack open. Bahahahaha. The shop man did not look happy at this, but who cares? Rob Pattinson needed a pen. ;D

I gave him the pen, he asked me my name and signed the picture to me. Whilst signing it he says 'I hope you're going to pay for this pen, I don't condone stealing' to which I replied 'no' :D He laughed handed me the picture, took the pack of pens off me and... wait for it...
Everytime I've said I've died within this encounter? I take it back, I died when he bought the pens. How many people can say Robert Pattinson paid for a pack of pens for them? (Whilst purchasing ciggies may I add) That's exactly what he did. He gave me the pens back after he paid. :D *squeals like a fangirl* He then said it was nice meeting us and started to walk out the shop.

I, after holding in a giant squeal for so long, let it out and squealed and jumped up and down like a strange fangirl (I just couldn't help myself). What I didn't realise was that he was still in the shop. He turned around after hearing an earshattering scream and fucking SMIRKED AT ME. He then waved at us and left the shop.

The end result of my story. :) Yeah the little kiss on the end made me more happy than it should.
Wow I talk waaaaaay too much. But yeah, that's my story. I like detail, if you can't tell. It was a good day. So I missed them at the pub *dies inside* I got to meet Rob again. (Kristen would have been better! ;D) But shhhh, don't tell the fangirls. I'm grateful for any encounters I have.

So yeah, fan encounter number 2. I should really just move to London and live in my cousin's house, although she doesn't condone stalking. Pfft, she doesn't know what she's missing.

Once again well done if you read all this. I really like you. :)


Peter Facinelli pratar om Eclipse

Hittade den hära videon riktigt bra. Peter Facinelli (Carlisle Cullen) pratar om varför Eclipse är hans favorit film.

Twilight Goodies

Man kan knappt vänta, eller hur?


Ny startad blogg. Jag heter Alexandra, stort stort Twilight-fan. Och jag hoppas ni gillar bloggen!
Om det är något som ser konstigt ut i designen eller liknande, så kommentera eller kontakta mig på [email protected]